Friday, November 13, 2009


tanak bebel ni mmg best and sumpah best! ok dah. korg dah bole beratur beli tiket sekarang.hahaha ;D

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Satu Malaysia..

Last sunday night, i watched football with my frens at Hartamas square. We went there at 1030pm. ok mmg agak awl la sbb the match start at 1130pm. but thank God we went there early because it was so packed with supporters from both team. oh yeah, the match is between Chelsea *duhh* and Manchester United *woott woott! ;p* ok diam. i know Man U lose that game but who cares? We believe it just not their luck to win that night. lalala *proses menyedapkan hati* hahah.

but that is not the main point of my entry today. Before we went there, asyraff and i went to midvalley to meet up some frens *ahaaaaaaa ;D* and watched "pisau cukur" which i guess a good movie. *ok laaa ;)

after the movie, asyraff called his frens and ajak them to tgk the match sama2.. *sorry teacher, sumpah manglish abess.hahah ;pp* so we went to pick up his frens at their places. there was shivan, kalau tak salah la.he's indian and a very tall guy. asyraff knalkan and blablablaa. they chatted blablaablaaa *n yeah, most of the time pasal pompuan. cis! typical guys.hahah. ;p* then we went to midvalley back to pick up his other fren. n guess what, kwn lelaki berbangsa cina. :) and we went to hartamas and meet up with aiman and frens and watched the game together gether,hahaha *sedih cikgu ak tgk penulisan ak nih. ;DD

okk.theres nothing wrong with this situation but i felt amused and cm teringat balik zaman skola where i mix around with those chinese and indian. theres no boundaries between us. but since i study at UiTM n yeahh,semua melayu and bumi from sabah and sarawak, i cant feel the same feelings when i was in school. *ok.sumpah rindu ngn schoolmates n cm nak nanges.pheww!*

so, once u are warganegara malaysia. theres no such thing like indian, chinese, malay. we are malaysian. satu malaysia bukan?? ;) and im proud of it. Proud to be malaysian :)) so tak payahla nak gadoh2 ni kann? ;P *haaa! cbe tgk kt youtube cte gadoh 2009, berkaitan doe. n sumpah best! ;D"

p/s: i cant watch football with aiman and asyraff! aiman, sbb rambot dye besar and menghalang pandangan ak n sumpah merimaskan! rase cm nak sikat rambot dye belah tengah cm wallpaper kwn dye tuh.hahaha. asyraff, sbb dye slalu menang bet ngn ak! benci gle. pembawa sial doee! hahaha ;pp no offends guys.. :) ahh! tp mmg btol pon.hahahah ;DD

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


hmm.. pernah tak korg suke someone ke everyone ke no one ke one two three ke? *ok cut the crap yuyu!

ok2.sorry to myself.heee :P tp btol la,korg pnah suke kt org tak? *mestila ngekk!

ok2.sorry lagi.hmm..cne ehh? ok mcm ni. korg sti senang nak suke org en? cthnye, korg nga jln2 ngn member korg then ade segerombolan *ok salah* sekumpulan takpon seketul gadis cun or jejaka terhangat d pasaran kat dpan korg sti korg ckp cmni "eh cutenye mamat tuuu" *smbil memuncungkan bibir korg seseksi bibir angelina jolie dlm cte wanted takpon "perghh! mantap doe gadis tu." sambil cover macho cm johnny depp dlm cte public enemies *ok mmg tade lelaki malaysia cm johnny depp kott! oh wait! ade2! abg fadel. sumpah gaya cm johnny depp dlm cte cry baby :DD *kan feraaa?? angguk cpatt!* heee ;p ok nextttt!

maksudnyee, korg senang jela nk suke org termasuk la ak tapi tapi suke and sayang adelah perkara yg berbeza. *kan kan?* suke mmg semua org senang nak suke tapi for me, nak sayang adalah perkara yg bukannya mudah and senang2 nak rase and bagi.

mungkin ni adalah kelemahan ak sejak azali kot dmana once ak dah sayang mmg ak akan sayang btol2.bknlah menjadi satu ksalahan nak sayang org tapi haruslah berpada2 kelak diri takkan merana! *wahhh! yuyu, im proud of u! wakaka ;pp* && kte taleyh nak tentukan kte ley sayang org ni ke org tuh ke. hati dan prasaan babe! maneleyh control. tu hak masing2 kan. kte kena ingat tak semua yg kte nak dlm dunia nih kte boleh dapat. btol tak kwn2?? *clapclap*

akhir kata untuk entry ni, majulah sukan untuk negara! *haaaa! mmg nak kena sepakk.hahah.
love urself more than u love others. Its not wrong to love others but u should limit it and save for urself too *note for myself too :)

p/s: oh sumpah poyo entry nih! hahah ;DD

Mak saya ckp.. :)

*on the phone utk bbrape ketika dgn *tuutttttt* ;DD

mak ckp: adik dah ade boifren ke?

saye ckp: err, mane ade laa.kwn je sume *smile

mak ckp: yela tu, senyum bkn main lebar ckp telefon tu ape?

saye ckp: larhh, takkan nak nangis plak. karang org ckp adik pelik plak.haa! pastu tade org nak kwn ngn org pelik ni nanti mcm mane.apelaa..hahah

mak ckp: eleyhh, nak cover la tu. mcm la mak tak tahu..*smile adik jgn syg org sgt. nanti jd mcm dlu mcm mane?

saye ckp: mane ade la mak. dulu lain sekarang lain..zaman skola kot.bodo2 lagi.haha

mak ckp: mak ckp je. mak tak nak anak mak susah hati mcm dulu. nanges2 sbb lelaki.. tak suka la mak tgk..

saye ckp: hehe.dun worry la mak. adik kuat kot sekarang! *smbil tunjuk tgn kuar urat2.hahah :)
mak ckp: org ckp btol2 dye main2 plak..

saye ckp: adik okla. nothing to worry about. ok mak? *smile

p/s: cte benar kayh.jgn gelak.diam!

hey you!

Saya sayang awak.
ok dah bye! :)

Like a Star by Corrinne Bailey Rae :)

Just like a star across my sky,
Just like an angel off the page,
You have appeared to my life,
Feel like I'll never be the same,
Just like a song in my heart,
Just like oil on my hands,
Oh i do love you..

Still i wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this
With anyone but you,
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind,
You've got this look i can't describe,
You make me feel I'm alive,
When everything else is all fake,
Without a doubt you're on my side,
Heaven has been away too long,
Can't find the words to write this song,
Oh, your love...

I have come to understand
The way it is,
It's not a secret anymore,'
cause we've been through that before,
From tonight I know that you're the only one,
I've been confused and in the dark,
Now I understand..
I wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this,
With anyone but you,
I wonder why it is,
I won't let my guard down,
For anyone but you
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind..

Just like a star across my sky,
Just like an angel off the page,
You have appeared to my life,
Feel like I'll never be the same,
Just like a song in my heart,
Just like oil on my hands...
p/s: i know its kinda old song, but i really love this song because it means something to me.. :)

Untuk pembacaan anda2 semua. ;)

hey anda! gotchaa! reading my blog ehh?? ish ishh! got nothing better to do ke wehh? yg kat office tu, pergi la wat keje tu. jgn nk mkn gaji bute sgt la enn.hahah.haa! yg kat umah ni, pergi la tlg kemas rumah ke? ehh lg sorg ni, ko nak spm kan?? dok bukak internet lg watpe? bukak buku lg bagus wehh. *hahaha.kalau btol ade org2 nih mmg ak hebat meneka la enn. :P

ok enuff! yuyu fokus. *tarik nafas..lpas perlahan2. ;)

damn! lame gle tak menulis blog.rase cm pelik plak. whatever. im writing because i want to and not because of other yeahh, sukela hati nk tulis ape and mcm mane pon en? kalau tak puas hati anda boleh tkan button close d hujung kanan sebelah atas or anda bole off kan laptop or pc anda takpon campak je dkat sungai2 berdekatan supaya chances untuk anda membaca blog ini terhapus sama sekali.muahahahah ! ok dyam kjap. herm.. *tgh pikir jap

korg sti tertanye2 nape ak wat blog baru enn? ke takk? haa lantakla! mcm ak heran.haha life new blog. as simple as that. so phm2 jela kpd sesape yg bce blog ak bfore. *ok sumpah prasan! ko igt ade org nk bce ke??hahah.wtv

Lately, theres so many things happened. sadness *of coz* happiness *oh for sure!* && confusion *herm..*
ok tak ready nak share! *hello yuyu ko nak share ngn sape? ko sorg je en bce blog ni.duhh!haha.ok dah bye! later peeps! *haa!prasan lagi.hahahah ;DD

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bila agak2 nye ehh? haihh..

Rinduuuu gle ngn rakan2 gegaters.oh damn! ble nak pijak bumi kajang nih ;(

to rara, hanis, zaty&amad ibrahim, amad and am. Wehh rindu gle. sumpah! *air mata bergenang :(


Saya HAPPY. anda? :)


When a girl is mean to you after breaking up,
she wants you back,
but she is too scared she'll get hurt
and knows that you're gone forever..

when you catch a girl glancing at you,
she wants you to look back
and smile..

When a girl bumps into your hands
while shes walking with you,
she wants
you to hold her hand back..

When she wants a hug,
she will just stand there and look at you..

When u break a girls heart,
she still feels it even after
you run into each other 3 years later..

When a girl is quiet,
millions of thoughts running through her mind..

When a girl is not arguing back,
she is thinking deeply..

When a girl stares at you,
she is wondering how long will you be around..

When a girl answers, "I'm fine," after a few seconds,
she doesnt really mean it..

When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions,
she is wondering why you are playing games..

When a girl lays her head on your chest,
she is wishing that you would be hers forever..

When a girl says she can't live without you,
she has made up her mind that you are THE ONE..

When a girl says, "I miss you,"
theres no one in this world can ever
miss you more than she does..

--Guy Facts: When a guy calls you, he wants to be with you.. When a guy is quiet, He's listening to you... When a guy is not arguing, He realizes he's wrong.. When a guy says, "I'm fine" after a few minutes,
he means it..

When a guy stares at you,
he wishes that you would care for him and wonders if you really do..

When you lay your head on a guy's chest,
he has the world..

When a guy calls/texts/comments/messages you everyday,
he is in love..

When a (good) guy tells you that he loves you,
he really means it..

When a guy says he can't live without you,
he's with you till you are done..

When a guy says, "I miss you,"
he misses you more than you could have
ever missed him or anything else.....

New blog?

Yes it is. ;)
y? sukehati aku laa.haha
dah tu je.naty ak update.hahaha ;D