Thursday, November 12, 2009

Satu Malaysia..

Last sunday night, i watched football with my frens at Hartamas square. We went there at 1030pm. ok mmg agak awl la sbb the match start at 1130pm. but thank God we went there early because it was so packed with supporters from both team. oh yeah, the match is between Chelsea *duhh* and Manchester United *woott woott! ;p* ok diam. i know Man U lose that game but who cares? We believe it just not their luck to win that night. lalala *proses menyedapkan hati* hahah.

but that is not the main point of my entry today. Before we went there, asyraff and i went to midvalley to meet up some frens *ahaaaaaaa ;D* and watched "pisau cukur" which i guess a good movie. *ok laaa ;)

after the movie, asyraff called his frens and ajak them to tgk the match sama2.. *sorry teacher, sumpah manglish abess.hahah ;pp* so we went to pick up his frens at their places. there was shivan, kalau tak salah la.he's indian and a very tall guy. asyraff knalkan and blablablaa. they chatted blablaablaaa *n yeah, most of the time pasal pompuan. cis! typical guys.hahah. ;p* then we went to midvalley back to pick up his other fren. n guess what, kwn lelaki berbangsa cina. :) and we went to hartamas and meet up with aiman and frens and watched the game together gether,hahaha *sedih cikgu ak tgk penulisan ak nih. ;DD

okk.theres nothing wrong with this situation but i felt amused and cm teringat balik zaman skola where i mix around with those chinese and indian. theres no boundaries between us. but since i study at UiTM n yeahh,semua melayu and bumi from sabah and sarawak, i cant feel the same feelings when i was in school. *ok.sumpah rindu ngn schoolmates n cm nak nanges.pheww!*

so, once u are warganegara malaysia. theres no such thing like indian, chinese, malay. we are malaysian. satu malaysia bukan?? ;) and im proud of it. Proud to be malaysian :)) so tak payahla nak gadoh2 ni kann? ;P *haaa! cbe tgk kt youtube cte gadoh 2009, berkaitan doe. n sumpah best! ;D"

p/s: i cant watch football with aiman and asyraff! aiman, sbb rambot dye besar and menghalang pandangan ak n sumpah merimaskan! rase cm nak sikat rambot dye belah tengah cm wallpaper kwn dye tuh.hahaha. asyraff, sbb dye slalu menang bet ngn ak! benci gle. pembawa sial doee! hahaha ;pp no offends guys.. :) ahh! tp mmg btol pon.hahahah ;DD

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